The Green Map project
The “Green Maps” are designed by neighborhood with the participation of young people. Through this initiative, the Foundation is encouraging “particip’action”, with young people identifying sustainable local initiatives that will be included on the map. In this way, they contribute to the realization of a civic project for everyday life. Since 2013, the Earth Focus Foundation represents Green Maps nationwide, transforming Green Map Suisse Romande into Green Map Swiss.
The maps are then published on various media (paper publications, interactive Internet publications in Switzerland and abroad), enabling the general public to be aware of the diversity of their neighborhood in terms of civic and ecological initiatives.
An example of a regional strategy to raise awareness among young people
A meeting with teachers at the Aimée-Stitelemann business school in Plan-Les-Ouates (Geneva) convinced us of the need to build a broad-based collaborative project with its students. The first project, involving 10 teachers, 7 classes and 129 students, allowed identifying sustainable sites in the communes of Plan-Les-Ouates, Confignon and Bernex.
Green Map has also teamed up with the University of Geneva’s student association for sustainable development to map the university neighborhood. We hope that this project will be extended to all Geneva and regional inhabitants As far as the cross-border aspect is concerned, this will be addressed as soon as the Geneva maps allow us to achieve sufficient visibility and impact.